Friday, December 04, 2009

Ralph Johnson on learning to program

In general, there are 2 types of books. There is theory books and there is practical books. You can learn theory from a book. You cannot learn anything practical from a book. You learn practical things by practicing. Practical books are great, you read them, they tell you some ideas, but they tell you ideas of things to practice and you have to go off and practice it. It's only after you practice that you actually know. Then you'll say "Oh, now I know what that guy meant when he said that!"

That's how you learn. You only learn that stuff by doing. It's like any program - you can't actually learn to program by reading a book. Of course you read the book, but you have to get to the system and you write little programs and you write bigger and bigger programs and after a while you know how to program in the language, but you've got to do it to learn. You are not really going to learn by just reading the book.

When I was young I was a sort of person who listened to older people. Some young people don't, but I was a young person who did, but even so, they would tell me a lot of things. I would remember it, I wasn't like I disbelieved them, but it just a little bit hard to believe and I wasn't sure. Now, I'm over 50 and a lot of stuff makes an awful lot more sense to me and I say "Those old guys were right when telling me things", but you can't until you live it, until you go through it yourself, you really can't know it for sure.

When you get a pattern book, you need to be bold. You need to just try the stuff out and you need to expect you are going to make mistakes, too, so don't try it out when someone's life is on the line. You try it out in the privacy of your own home, where you are not going to damage anybody too much. I think that's actually a problem with industry - companies don't let people just experiment and play around. Everything is "This is production code, we're going live next week and here is a book, read that and figure out how to put it in there." It doesn't matter what the book is on - whether it's going to be a database, or parallel programming, you have to do it 3 or 4 times until you really get comfortable with it and people are always putting this code out there that they just barely figured out how to make it run. That's not smart. Managers should give people more time to get it right before they push it out to the world. Some do, but probably yours doesn't, if yours is like most of them.

watch the interview

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Finding first broken build with git-bisect

With git it's so easy to find which commit broke the build. Suppose you know that commit with tag release-1.0 was good, i.e. all tests passed. The latest commit, however, is failing.

So the build was broken somewhere in between release-1.0 and master HEAD. To find the exact one you just need to run two git commands. First

$ git bisect start HEAD release-1.0

Here you specify which commit you know is broken, and which one you remember was successful. After running this command you can see that git marked two commits with good and bad labels, and put the search starting point at the revision in the middle.

The second command is git bisect run cmd, where cmd is the script used as a criterion of successful build. If you use Maven then your command would be:

$ git bisect run mvn clean test

After you hit Enter button in the terminal, git starts running your criterion script using binary search algorithm. It might take time to finish this task, which depends on the number of revisions and the execution time of the script. Eventually it stops and shows you which commit caused the build failure.

7933e4658ea852754120fbc8fec34b2b85932e48 is first bad commit
commit 7933e4658ea852754120fbc8fec34b2b85932e48
Author: Andrey Paramonov
Date: Wed Nov 25 21:07:30 2009 -0500

Changed method implementation

:040000 040000 c0f3f9ef13d7daa4671205b9518c168a9ac10fe3 5a1cf3d6fb28d6f815c172319630b5d55ce4dc10 M src
bisect run success

If you look at the visual tool, you will spot the first bad commit by the label bisect/bad.


• git-bisect manual page

Thursday, November 12, 2009

State Machines in Erlang

There is some sort of confusion in the object-oriented community about functional languages. How is it possible to implement stateful application if the language has no concept of state? It turns out that it's actually quite possible, although the solution is completely deferent from what we see in the OO realm. In Erlang, for example, state can be implemented by using process messaging and tail recursion. This approach is so elegant that after you've learned it, the OO way of doing this looks unnatural. The code below is the Erlang implementation of Uncle Bob's FSM example. Look at it. Isn't that code clean and expressive? It looks almost like DSL but it's actually regular Erlang syntax.
-export([coin/0, pass/0]).

start() -> register(turnstile, spawn(?MODULE, init, [])).

% Initial state

init() -> locked().

% Events

coin() -> turnstile ! coin.
pass() -> turnstile ! pass.

% States and transitions

locked() ->
pass ->
coin ->

unlocked() ->
pass ->
coin ->

% Actions

alarm() -> io:format("You shall not pass!~n").
unlock() -> io:format("Unlocking...~n").
lock() -> io:format("Locking...~n").
thankyou() -> io:format("Thank you for donation~n").

The idea behind this code is simple. Every state is implemented as a function that does two things: it listens for messages sent by other processes; when message is received the appropriate action is taken and one of the state-functions called recursively. Simple, right? And thread-safe!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Parsing files using Groovy regex

In my previous post I mentioned several ways of defining regular expressions in Groovy. Here I want to show how we can use Groovy regex to find/replace data in the files.

Parsing properties file (simplified)1

Data: each line in the file has the same structure; the entire line can be matched by single regex. Problem: transform each line to the object. Solution: construct regex with capturing parentheses, apply it to each line, extract captured data. Demonstrates: File.eachLine method, matrix syntax of Matcher object.

def properties = [:]
new File('path/to/').eachLine { line ->
if ((matcher = line =~ /^([^#=].*?)=(.+)$/)) {
properties[matcher[0][1]] = matcher[0][2]
println properties

Parsing csv files (simplified)2

Data: each line in the file has the same structure; the line consists of the blocks separated by some character sequence. Problem: transform each line to the list of objects. Solution: construct regex with capturing parentheses, parse each line with the regex in a loop extracting captured data. Demonstrates: ~// Pattern defenition, method, \G regex meta-sequence.

def regex = ~/\G(?:^|,)(?:"([^"]*+)"|([^",]*+))/
new File('path/to/file.csv').eachLine { line ->
def fields = []
def matcher = regex.matcher(line)
while (matcher.find()) {
fields << ( ?:
println fields

Finding snapshot dependencies in the pom (simplified)3

Data: file contains blocks with known boundaries (possibly crossing multiple lines). Problem: extract the blocks satisfying some criteria. Solution: read the entire file into the string, construct regex with capturing parentheses, apply the regex to the string in a loop. Demonstrates: File.text property, list syntaxt of Matcher object, named capture, global \x regex modifier, local \s regex modifier.

def pom = new File('path/to/pom.xml').text
def matcher = pom =~ '''(?x)
<dependency> \\s*
<groupId>([^<]+)</groupId> \\s*
<artifactId>([^<]+)</artifactId> \\s*
<version>(.+?-SNAPSHOT)</version> (?s:.*?)
matcher.each { matched, groupId, artifactId, version ->
println "$groupId:$artifactId:$version"

Finding stacktraces in the log

Data: file contains entries each of which starts with the same pattern and can span multiple lines. Typical example is log4j log files:

2009-10-16 15:32:12,157 DEBUG [com.ndpar.web.RequestProcessor] Loading user
2009-10-16 15:32:13,258 ERROR [com.ndpar.web.UserController] id to load is required for loading
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: id to load is required for loading
at org.hibernate.event.LoadEvent.(
at org.hibernate.event.LoadEvent.(
at org.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.get(
at org.hibernate.impl.SessionImpl.get(
at org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTemplate$1.doInHibernate(
at org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTemplate.doExecute(
at org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTemplate.executeWithNativeSession(
at org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTemplate.get(
at org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.HibernateTemplate.get(
at com.ndpar.dao.UserManager.getUser(
... 62 more
2009-10-16 15:32:14,659 DEBUG [com.ndpar.jms.MessageListener] Received message:
... multi-line message ...
2009-10-16 15:32:15,169 INFO [com.ndpar.dao.UserManager] User: ...

Problem: find entries satisfying some criteria. Solution: read the entire file into the string4, construct regex with capturing parentheses and lookahead, split the string into entries, loop through the result and apply criteria to each entry. Demonstrates: regex interpolation, combined global regex modifiers \s and \m.

def log = new File('path/to/your.log').text
def logLineStart = /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}/
def splitter = log =~ """(?xms)
( ${logLineStart} .*?)
(?= ${logLineStart} | \\Z)
splitter.each { matched, entry ->
if (entry =~ /(?m)^(?:\t| {8})at/) println entry

Replacing text in the file

Use Groovy one-liner to perform the replacement. Here is the Tim's example in Groovy:

$ groovy -p -i -e '(line =~ /1\.6/).replaceAll("2.0-alpha-1-SNAPSHOT")' `find . -name pom.xml`


• Groovy regexes
• Groovy one-liners
• Using String.replaceAll method


1. This example is for demonstration purposes only. In real program you would just use Properties.load method.
2. The regex is simplified. If you want the real one, take a look at Jeffrey Friedl's example.
3. Again, in reality you would find snapshots using mvn dependency:resolve | grep SNAPSHOT command.
4. This approach won't work for big files. Take a look at this script for practical solution.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

GParallelizer Performance

GParallelizer is a Groovy wrapper for new Java concurrency library. It allows you to perform list and map operations using parallel threads, which in theory leverages the full power of multi-processor computations. Here I want to check if it's true in reality. I run the following tests on my dual-core MacBook

import static org.gparallelizer.Parallelizer.*
import org.gparallelizer.ParallelEnhancer
import org.junit.Before
import org.junit.Test

class GParsTest {

def list = []

@Before void setUp() {
1000000.times {
list << (float) Math.random()

@Test void sequential() {
def start = System.currentTimeMillis()
list.findAll { it < 0.4 }
def duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - start

println "Sequential: ${duration}ms"

@Test void parallel_with_enhancer() {
ParallelEnhancer.enhanceInstance list

def start = System.currentTimeMillis()
list.findAllAsync { it < 0.4 }
def duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - start

println "Parallel with enhancer: ${duration}ms"

@Test void parallel_with_parallelizer_2() {
parallelWithParallelizer 2

@Test void parallel_with_parallelizer_3() {
parallelWithParallelizer 3

@Test void parallel_with_parallelizer_5() {
parallelWithParallelizer 5

@Test void parallel_with_parallelizer_10() {
parallelWithParallelizer 10

def parallelWithParallelizer(threads) {
def start = System.currentTimeMillis()
withParallelizer(threads) {
list.findAllAsync { it < 0.4 }
def duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - start

println "Parallel with parallelizer (${threads}): ${duration}ms"

And here is the output

Sequential: 774ms
Parallel with enhancer: 9311ms
Parallel with parallelizer (2): 1785ms
Parallel with parallelizer (3): 769ms
Parallel with parallelizer (5): 500ms
Parallel with parallelizer (10): 722ms

Something strange happened with mixed-in ParallelEnhancer, but with Parallelizer performance improved indeed. With optimal thread pool size parallel processing is 35% faster than sequential.

Conclusion: Use GPars methods if you need to process big amount of data. Try different config parameters to find the best solution for your particular problem.


• Brian Goetz on new concurrency library
• Vaclav Pech on GPars

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Converting XML to POGO

Suppose we want to convert XML to Groovy bean:

class MyBean {
String strField
float floatField
int intField
boolean boolField

def message = "<xml stringAttr='String Value' boolAttr='true' />"

def xml = new XmlSlurper().parseText(message)

def bean = new MyBean(
strField: xml.@stringAttr,
boolField: xml.@boolAttr

Everything looks good, even assertions succeed

assert 'String Value' == bean.strField
assert bean.boolField

Now let's try false value:

message = "<xml stringAttr='String Value' boolAttr='false' />"
assert !bean.boolField

Oops, the assertion failed. Why? Because xml.@boolAttr cast to boolean always returns true. The correct implementation must be like this:

message = "<xml stringAttr='String Value' floatAttr='3.14' intAttr='9' boolAttr='false' />"

xml = new XmlSlurper().parseText(message)

bean = new MyBean(
strField: xml.@stringAttr.toString(),
floatField: xml.@floatAttr.toFloat(),
intField: xml.@intAttr.toInteger(),
boolField: xml.@boolAttr.toBoolean()
assert 'String Value' == bean.strField
assert 3.14F == bean.floatField
assert 9 == bean.intField
assert !bean.boolField

Now everything works properly. The moral of this blog post: Create more unit tests (assertions), especially when you work with dynamic language.


• Converting String to Boolean

Friday, September 25, 2009

Building regular expressions in Groovy

Because of compact syntax regular expressions in Groovy are more readable than in Java. Here is how Jeffrey Friedl's example would look like in Groovy:

def subDomain  = '(?i:[a-z0-9]|[a-z0-9][-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])' // simple regex in single quotes
def topDomains = """
(?x-i : com \\b # you can put whitespaces and comments
| edu \\b # inside regex in eXtended mode
| biz \\b
| in(?:t|fo) \\b # but you have to escape
| mil \\b # backslashes in multiline strings
| net \\b
| org \\b
| [a-z][a-z] \\b

def hostname = /(?:${subDomain}\.)${topDomains}/ // variable substitution in slashy strings

def NOT_IN = /;\"'<>()\[\]{}\s\x7F-\xFF/ // backslash is not escaped in slashy strings
def NOT_END = /!.,?/
def ANYWHERE = /[^${NOT_IN}${NOT_END}]/
def EMBEDDED = /[$NOT_END]/ // you can ommit {} around var name

def urlPath = "/$ANYWHERE*($EMBEDDED+$ANYWHERE+)*"

def url =

# match the hostname part
(?: ftp | http s? ): // [-\\w]+(\\.\\w[-\\w]*)+

# allow optional port
(?: :\\d+ )?

# rest of url is optional, and begins with /
(?: $urlPath )?

assert '' ==~ url

As you can see, there are several options, and for every subexpression you can choose the one that's more expressive.


• Martin Fowler on composed regexes
• Pragmatic Dave on regexes in Ruby
• Feature request to make regexes even groovier
• Mastering Regular Expressions — best regex book
• Groovy Pattern and Matcher classes

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Fill parameters in LCDS Assembler methods

Last few days we spent debugging some nasty bug in the code that uses LiveCycle managed collections. We were adding/removing items to/from collections on the server side. We saw that server sent a message to the client, client did receive the message, but then it ignored it and didn't update the collection (data grid). After digging into the client side logs we found the reason of such a misbehaviour.

If you have two destinations that share the same channel

<service id="data-service" class="">
<destination id="MyFirstDestination">
<channel ref="my-rtmp-channel"/>
<destination id="MySecondDestination">
<channel ref="my-rtmp-channel"/>

LCDS uses fillParameters as a key in the managed collections cache. That means fillParameters must be immutable.

public class MyFirstAssembler extends {

public int refreshFill(List fillParameters, Object newItem, boolean isCreate, Object oldItem, List changes) {
// Never change fillParameters!

public Collection fill(List fillParameters) {
// Never change fillParameters!

Adobe documentation says nothing about this, so keep this rule in mind when working with LCDS managed collections.


• Flex log viewer

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Measuring LiveCycle Performance: Message Size

The method of measuring performance provided by LCDS works only in situations when producer and consumer of messages are both on the Flex side. For Data Services that means you can obtain some metrics only for initial collection fill:

Original message size(B): 499
Response message size(B): 17687
Total time (s): -1250809384.8
Network Roundtrip time (s): -1250809384.868
Server processing time (s): 0.068
Server adapter time (s): 0.014
Server non-adapter time (s): 0.054

If you want to know message size and response time for messages pushed from Java server to Flex client, this method doesn't help* in the current version of LCDS (2.6.1). Adobe promised to add this feature in the future release but for now you have to use other methods. Here is what I use to measure message size.

1. JMX. By default LCDS exposes some useful metrics through JMX:

2. Flex log. If you enable log in the services-config.xml, you will see something like this in the output console for every data push:

Thread[1563082333@qtp0-0,5,main] registering write interest for Connection '1752654181'.
Thread[my-rtmp-SocketServer-Reactor1,5,main] unregistering write interest for Connection '1752654181'.
Thread[my-rtmp-SocketServer-Reactor1Writer,5,main] Connection '1752654181' starting a write.
Thread[my-rtmp-SocketServer-Reactor1Writer,5,main] chunk output stream writing message; ack state: 3
Thread[my-rtmp-SocketServer-Reactor1Writer,5,main] Connection '1752654181' finished a write. 233 bytes were written.

3. If you don't have access to the server, you can use any network protocol analyzer (WireShark is really good) on the client side to monitor size of packets received from the server.

* Actually, there is one undocumented feature that can be used with the described method to measure size of "create" messages, but Adobe does not recommend to use it.


Part 1: Measuring LiveCycle Performance: Errors

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Git on Cygwin

Here are the steps I perform to use Git on Cygwin:

• Install necessary packages: git, gitk, subversion, subversion-perl. That's because I use Subversion via Git bridge.

• Amend C:\cygwin\lib\perl5\vendor_perl\5.xx\ file using this patch. That's to fix small bug causing "Permission denied: Can't open '/cygdrive/c/DOCUME~1/myself/LOCALS~1/Temp/report.tmp'" error.

• Configure white spaces using this command to fix trailing spaces warnings.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Double in ActionScript, Java, and MS SQL

ActionScript 3

• There are three numeric data types in AS3: int, uint, and Number.
• They are not primitives because they can be instantiated using constructors.
• They are not "real" objects because they cannot be null, and they have default values:

myNumber.toString(); // No NPE thrown

• Default value for type Number is NaN (not zero).


• BlazeDS converts AS3 Number type to Java Double.
• NaN is idempotent of conversion:

NaN (Java) -> NaN (AS3) -> NaN (Java)

• null is not! Keep it in mind when you work with BlazeDS:

null (Java) -> 0 (AS3) -> 0.0 (Java)

If Java NaN doesn't have special meaning in your application, you can use it as a "replacement" for null in Java-Flex communication.


• Doesn't support NaN value for numeric columns.
• All NaN values should be replaced by null before saving entity in the database, otherwise you will get exception: The incoming tabular data stream (TDS) remote procedure call (RPC) protocol stream is incorrect. Parameter 24 (""): The supplied value is not a valid instance of data type real. Check the source data for invalid values. An example of an invalid value is data of numeric type with scale greater than precision.

In my current project I'm using all three languages, and I have to convert NaN to null back and forth for every object:

NaN (AS3) <-> NaN (Java) <-> null (Java) <-> null (MS SQL)

So I created small utility class that replaces all JavaBean properties of particular type from one value to another:

ExtendedPropertyUtils.replacePropertyValue(myBean, Double.NaN, null);
ExtendedPropertyUtils.replacePropertyValue(myBean, null, Double.NaN);

Feel free to use it if you have the same problem.


• Feature request to Adobe to introduce nullable Number type.
• Other solutions for similar issues in BlazeDS.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Tom DeMarco on Software Engineering

Software development is inherently different from a natural science such as physics, and its metrics are accordingly much less precise in capturing the things they set out to describe.
Strict control is something that matters a lot on relatively useless projects and much less on useful projects. It suggests that the more you focus on control, the more likely you’re working on a project that’s striving to deliver something of relatively minor value.
To my mind, the question that’s much more important than how to control a software project is, why on earth are we doing so many projects that deliver such marginal value?
So, how do you manage a project without controlling it? Well, you manage the people and control the time and money. You say to your team leads, for example, “I have a finish date in mind, and I’m not even going to share it with you. When I come in one day and tell you the project will end in one week, you have to be ready to package up and deliver what you’ve got as the final product. Your job is to go about the project incrementally, adding pieces to the whole in the order of their relative value, and doing integration and documentation and acceptance testing incrementally as you go.”
For the past 40 years we’ve tortured ourselves over our inability to finish a software project on time and on budget. But this never should have been the supreme goal. The more important goal is transformation, creating software that changes the world or that transforms a company or how it does business.

read the whole article

Friday, July 17, 2009

Michael Feathers on Functional Programming

One of the things that seems like a rather pessimistic observation, but I think it's true to a degree, that the number of programmers who are able to or willing to think in a mathematically sophisticated way about code is relatively small, in comparison to the total population of programmers. I think that even though functional programming is becoming more popular, it is a bit of uphill battle for the industry and it may become just a very strong good niche tool for the people who are able to use it very well. I'm glad to see it's being brought up in prominence now, but I'm wondering if we'll ever see a day when everybody is doing work in functional programming. On the other hand, we got to the point where closures are becoming part of practically every programming language. It only took 30 years, so there is hope, I guess.

watch the interview

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Spring integration tests with mocked collaborators

Sometimes when you write integration tests that load Spring application context, you want to mock some collaborators just to verify that they've been called with correct data. This is a quite legitimate approach, but you have to keep in mind that Spring caches application contexts during the test execution. That means, after you replace a bean with a mock, all subsequent tests that share the same application context will use mocked instance instead of real one. That might cause tests to fail in very peculiar way. For example, test succeeds in Eclipse but fails in command line; you create new test and the old one starts failing, etc.

To fix the problem, you need to reload application context after every test that uses mocks. The best way to do this is to use @DirtiesContext annotation. In Spring 2.5 this was a method level annotation, but starting with Spring 3.0RC1 you can use it on the class level (thanks Spring!). So the rule of thumb is:

If you mock a bean in the Spring integration test, annotate the test class with @DirtiesContext

public class IntegrationTest {

private Application application;

private Collaborator mockCollaborator;

public void setUp() {
mockCollaborator = mock(Collaborator.class);


public void collaborator_is_called_once() {
verify(mockCollaborator, times(1)).methodCall(...);


Source files for this post
• Spring annotations documentation
Class level @DirtiesContext annotation
• How to build Spring 3

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Iteration Length

Iteration length in agile software development is the time between two consecutive customer feedbacks.

You can set up iteration length to 2 weeks in the JIRA, but if you meet your customer twice a year then your iteration length is 6 months. You can do iteration demo every 2 weeks, but if nobody except your manager sees the demo then your iteration length is not 2 weeks. You can even release some artifacts and change the version of your application every 2 weeks, but if your customer never tried to use your application then your iteration length is definitely not 2 weeks.

In general, without customer feedback there is no iteration. It's a cascade.

Monday, July 06, 2009

Tony Hoare: 50 Years with Legacy Code

Q: With your time in the computer science field, I'm guessing that you've seen some common trends, things that have remained consistent throughout time since 1960. What are those trends that have remained consistent and how do you think it will continue to the future?

A: I'm sorry to say it's the mistakes that remained consistent, not the virtues. The problems that afflicted us in the 1960s were the difficulty of predicting performance of large systems, the difficulty of discovering requirements, the difficulty of implementing code that was coherent across large-scale module boundaries. All of these things are still with us. I suppose I could say that even in 1960 living with legacy code was there. Dykstra once said that every day when he comes into work he thanks providence that he is not charged with the responsibility of living with legacy code - that's certainly still with us.

watch the interview

Friday, July 03, 2009

Collaborating Using git-svn

I like Git, and I'm using it everywhere. It gives you so much power that once you taste it, you won't want to come back to traditional source control systems. One of the Git benefits is collaboration friendliness. Git encourages collaboration, ideas exchange, and code review. If your team is using Git then you know how easy it is to share your code with your co-workers. But sometimes you are the only person in the team who uses Git, and everybody else is on Subversion. Don't worry, you still can share your ideas by means of git-svn tool, and here I want to show you how. The process is not as simple as native Git (via pull/push or patch/apply) but it's better than nothing.

Suppose you have an idea and you are eager to try it. You don't want to create a branch in Subversion because you don't know if your idea will work out, and committing all your crazy stuff in Subversion can easily pollute it. So you create a local Git branch and start working.

$ git checkout -b topic/great-idea

You code, test, git-add, git-commit, code, test, etc. At some point you see that your idea was great indeed and it's time to show the amazing results to your teammates. Now you need to "push" your Git branch to Subversion. To do this you have to create Subversion brunch first

$ svn copy http://svn.repo.path/project-name/trunk \
http://svn.repo.path/project-name/branches/great-idea \
-m "Created branch for my cool stuff"

Next step is to add this Subversion branch as a remote branch to Git configuration. Open .git/config file with a text editor. You should see something like this

repositoryformatversion = 0
filemode = true
bare = false
logallrefupdates = true
[svn-remote "svn"]
url = http://svn.repo.path
fetch = project-name/trunk:refs/remotes/trunk

If you built your Git repository by cloning Subversion repository (which you most likely did), you will have one or more svn-remote sections in this configuration file. You need to add another one for new Subversion branch.

repositoryformatversion = 0
filemode = true
bare = false
logallrefupdates = true
[svn-remote "svn"]
url = http://svn.repo.path
fetch = project-name/trunk:refs/remotes/trunk
[svn-remote "svn-great-idea"]
url = http://svn.repo.path
fetch = project-name/branches/great-idea:refs/remotes/great-idea

Next step is to fetch Subversion branch, but first you need to know revision number when this branch was created. Run this command

$ svn log --stop-on-copy http://svn.repo.path/project-name/branches/great-idea

You should get something like this:

r2165 | andy | 2009-07-03 14:36:59 -0400 (Fri, 03 Jul 2009) | 1 line

Created branch for my cool stuff

The first number of the output is what we are looking for:

$ git svn fetch svn-great-idea -r2165

Now you have the Subversion branch in you Git. If you run git branch -a command you will see "great-idea" branch in the list.

* topic/great-idea

You shouldn't work on remote branch, so let's create local one:

$ git branch svn-branch/great-idea remotes/great-idea

I put it in svn-branch namespace just to make it visually clear that this branch is in synch with Subversion. The next set of commands is a standard way to bring your work from one local branch to another. In our case: from initial topic/great-idea to svn-branch/great-idea

$ git rebase svn-branch/great-idea
$ git checkout svn-branch/great-idea
$ git rebase topic/great-idea

That's it. Now you are ready to commit your code to Subversion:

$ git svn dcommit

Done. As an option, you can delete initial branch because you have a Subversion backed copy of it:

$ git branch -D topic/great-idea


• Ian Boston's post explaining how to add Subversion branches to Git.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Measuring LiveCycle Performance: Errors

There are several ways to measure LiveCycle performance. One of them is to call appropriate method on MessagePerformanceUtils class. This approach is pretty straightforward but sometimes you might get an error:

Destination '...' either does not exist or the destination has no channels defined (and the application does not define any default channels.)

That means your are using statically configured channels and you don't package services configuration into the SWF file. To fix it, in the Flex Builder add config files folder to Flex source path and specify 'services' compiler argument:


Although it solves the problem, this approach is not suitable for real project as you don't want to compile SWF file with hard coded services configuration. Instead of that you would create dynamic channels on the client side, and configure them using IoC framework (i.e. Parsley, Prana or your own). And if you do that you will most likely get the following error:

Error: Message is missing MPI headers. Verify that all participants have it enabled

The reason of that is: you configured MPI headers only on the server side, but not on the Flex side. To fix it, you need to set recordMessageTimes and recordMessageSizes properties of Channel class to true. The problem is that those properties are read-only, so you cannot assign them to any value directly. But here is a trick: you can use applySettings() method:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" creationComplete="init()">
import mx.messaging.Channel;
import mx.messaging.ChannelSet;
import mx.messaging.channels.RTMPChannel;
import mx.messaging.messages.MessagePerformanceUtils;

private function init():void {
ds.channelSet = createChannelSet();

private function createChannelSet():ChannelSet {
var channels:Array = new Array();

var result:ChannelSet = new ChannelSet();
result.channels = channels;
return result;

private function createRtmpChannel():Channel {
var result:Channel = ... // get it from IoC
return result;

private function customSettings():XML {
return <channel-definition>

private function messageHandler(event:MessageEvent):void {
var performanceUtils:MessagePerformanceUtils = new MessagePerformanceUtils(event.message);
statistics.text = performanceUtils.prettyPrint();

<mx:DataService id="ds" destination="MyDestination" result="messageHandler(event)" />
<mx:ArrayCollection id="domainObjects" />
<mx:TextArea id="statistics" />


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