Here is the graph of this function with some points highlighted as plus symbols for better view.

This function has interesting property: it's continuous at all irrational numbers. It's easy to see this if you notice that for any positive ε there is finite number of points above the line y = ε. That means for any irrational number x0 you can always construct a δ-neighbourhood that doesn't contain any point from the area above the line y = ε.

To generate the data file with point coordinates I used Common Lisp program:
(defun rational-numbers (max-denominator)
(let ((result (list)))
(loop for q from 2 to max-denominator do
(loop for p from 1 to (1- q) do
(pushnew (/ p q) result)))
(defun thomae-rational-points (abscissae)
(mapcar (lambda (x) (list x (/ 1 (denominator x)))) abscissae))
(defun thomae (max-denominator)
(let ((points (thomae-rational-points (rational-numbers max-denominator))))
(with-open-file (stream "thomae.dat" :direction :output)
(loop for point in points do
(format stream "~4$ ~4$~%" (first point) (second point))))))
(thomae 500)
To create the images I used gnuplot commands:
plot "thomae.dat" using 1:2 with dots
plot "thomae.dat" using 1:2 with points
and Photoshop.
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